Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1-4-11 Baby Bump

Well I am 25 weeks pregnant today and the odds are that the baby would survive in the NICU if born. The lungs are developed and can breath. We are unsure of the sex right now, but we hope to change that.
We have the name picked out, but are keeping it a secret (since people love to steal our names that we have chosen for our kids). I want to tell everyone today, but not sure yet. haha

So here is the "bump" more like a mountain to me. But I am still wearing my size 9/10  ((I CANT BELIEVE I JUST TOLD THAT INFO)) buttoned up and no they aren't stretchy!!! =]
That makes me feel good, but i feel huge none the less!

(comments are always appreciated just be nice please haha)

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