Saturday, January 1, 2011

The First Photo = Daughters First Time Feeding Herself

This got very messy, and really orange, but it was sooo worth it.
She is becoming more independent and such a big girl!

Had to call daddy into the dining room to help me, he had to take off her diaper as I held her in the air. :]

Spaghettios were EVERYWHERE, but was very shocked as to not find any in her nose.
She laughed the whole time she ate, like she knew she was making a mess, and what was in store for mommy and daddy.

Happy New Year!!!

Today I start a new day and a new year, and while I'm at it... I STARTED A NEW BLOG!!! :]

The past year has been a very eventful one to say the least.
I do not remember most days, just the most important ones.

So I wanted to start a blog of a picture from each day, maybe this can make a "photographic memory year" :]

So heres to a good year, and a memorable one at that.

Photography, Cloth Diapering, and Being a mommy & wife. Lets see how this "rolls" out.