Thursday, January 6, 2011

1-5-11 Baby Asleep At The Wheel

So tonight as my mom, Tyler, Brooklyn, and myself were talking as Tyler finished eating dinner, (daddy was out getting mommy a fountain Coke from QT)) Brooklyn was just not happy.
I told her everything would be okay and started talking to my mom again. Well next thing you know, BROOKLYN IS PASSED OUT IN HER WALKER!!!!!!

I could not choose just one picture, because every time i went to take a picture Tyler would try to wake her up, and she would get sooooo startled I laughed sooo hard! ((btw in the 3rd picture you can kinda see her drool puddle)) 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1-4-11 Baby Bump

Well I am 25 weeks pregnant today and the odds are that the baby would survive in the NICU if born. The lungs are developed and can breath. We are unsure of the sex right now, but we hope to change that.
We have the name picked out, but are keeping it a secret (since people love to steal our names that we have chosen for our kids). I want to tell everyone today, but not sure yet. haha

So here is the "bump" more like a mountain to me. But I am still wearing my size 9/10  ((I CANT BELIEVE I JUST TOLD THAT INFO)) buttoned up and no they aren't stretchy!!! =]
That makes me feel good, but i feel huge none the less!

(comments are always appreciated just be nice please haha)

1-3-11 Washing Hands After Sneezing

So today my son decided to inform me that he knew that if you sneeze like this "choo choo choo choo choo choo" then you need to wash your hands like this "scrub scrub scrub scrub" haha he is sooo funny sometimes and surprises me all the time.

I knew he knew to wash his hands, but he never ever grabbed a tissue as part of the demonstration and then run to grab his Spongebob Soap!!!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

1-2-11:: Palmers + Foot Massage = HEAVEN

So today was not the best for myself.
Everything had wore me out, my pregnancy hormones got the best of me.

Hubby knew just what I needed. A FOOT MASSAGE!!!!

My son wanted his beads in the picture, he said they are for girls. Well the massage definitely made me feel like a girl!!!! haha :]

My guys love me. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The First Photo = Daughters First Time Feeding Herself

This got very messy, and really orange, but it was sooo worth it.
She is becoming more independent and such a big girl!

Had to call daddy into the dining room to help me, he had to take off her diaper as I held her in the air. :]

Spaghettios were EVERYWHERE, but was very shocked as to not find any in her nose.
She laughed the whole time she ate, like she knew she was making a mess, and what was in store for mommy and daddy.

Happy New Year!!!

Today I start a new day and a new year, and while I'm at it... I STARTED A NEW BLOG!!! :]

The past year has been a very eventful one to say the least.
I do not remember most days, just the most important ones.

So I wanted to start a blog of a picture from each day, maybe this can make a "photographic memory year" :]

So heres to a good year, and a memorable one at that.

Photography, Cloth Diapering, and Being a mommy & wife. Lets see how this "rolls" out.